The Argentine Ministry of Transport, through the railway company SOFSE (Sociedad de Operaciones Ferroviarias, Sociedad del Estado), has planned the complete rehabilitation of the existing historic Sarmiento line, about 36 km long from the peri-urban station of Moreno to the Once station near the downtown area of Buenos Aires. The line, currently in operation, is to be completely modernised and equipped with a new technological system capable of ensuring a 3 minute frequency and passenger loads comparable to a metro system, all in a highly urbanised area.

After two years of specialised preliminary designs, Italferr was identified by the G&S Consortium to play the role of Main Designer for the entire design, executive and construction support process of the project. Due to the complexity of the work, the volume of the services and their duration (5 years planned from March 2018 until the complete construction of the work), the initiative represented the most challenging project within Italferr's international activities.

The work was completed in 2019.


A single-bore tunnel approx. 18 km long (TBM tunneling technique)
8 underground stations to be built (cavern tunnelling)
Upgrading of surface rail sections
25 kv 50 Hz electrification and 3 electrical substations
Signalling with national ATS system and preparation for ETCS system Level 2
Renovation of the entire line superstructure
Resolution of road and pedestrian interferences
A new maintenance facility for the entire fleet (70 trains) and renovation of the current facility in Castelar



Italferr has signed with UTE CNS - Union Temporal de Empresas Consorcio Nuevo Sarmineto - the contract for the realisation of the railway engineering of the "Soterramiento Sarmiento" project: interment of an 18 km long section, with the track level planned at an elevation of -22 m beneath the surface, to be realised largely by mechanised excavation.

Support and design services aimed at accompanying the CNS in the implementation of the project's Comprehensive Rail System (signalling, communications, power, superstructure, operation, tunnel systems, RAMS, maintenance facilities, interfaces and rolling stock), in coordination with the implementation of civil engineering works.