The awareness that the railway structure constitutes an opportunity to requalify the territories crossed, favouring natural and urban continuance and interconnections, has led Italferr to identify new design criteria capable of an integrated assessment of environmental, economic and social objectives with a view to sustainable development of the interventions, as well as to implement constant environmental surveillance of the construction sites during the execution phase.

The methodology developed introduces environmental balance. This highlights not only what is taken out of the context but also the benefits induced by the implementation of the works. The Construction Site Environmental Project and the Monitoring Project are used to identify the environmental aspects related to construction site works and the mitigation measures needed to ensure proper preservation of the context.

More than 200 resources including engineers, architects, chemists, physicists, geologists, biologists and computer scientists work in the field of environmental infrastructure design today, applying specialised and interdisciplinary skills to ensure the accurate analysis of problems and their rapid and effective resolution.