On Thursday, 20 July, the 'Innovative Tunnels and Excavation Systems Commission' of the Association of Engineers of the Province of Rome held a seminar entitled 'New Tunnels as Sustainable Infrastructure', in cooperation with Associations, Universities, Research Centres, Contracting Authorities, Designers and Primary Companies operating in the sector.
The Environmental and Territorial Engineering specialists of Italferr - the engineering company of the Infrastructure Hub of the Italian FS Group – presented a paper entitled 'Design and construction of railway tunnels: virtuous processes of circular economy and territorial enhancement' illustrating the new approaches in the field of construction site sustainability associated with the design and construction of infrastructure, with particular reference to underground works.
This reflection on the national/international technical and policy tools available today regarding underground infrastructure provided an opportunity to raise awareness on the value of environmental, economic and social sustainability necessary to achieve the country's growth and development objectives.