The activities of the community research and innovation project "MOST-H2, Novel metal-organic framework adsorbents for efficient storage of hydrogen" of which Italferr is a partner have begun.
Analyze new technologies for hydrogen storage using adsorbent materials to test and verify their storage efficiency, safety performance, costs and environmental footprint, this is the primary objective of MOST-H2.
The project - part of the Horizon Europe program - aims to validate and demonstrate the effectiveness and sustainability of MOF technology (monolithic metal-organic structures) and allow its upscaling from the laboratory scale to the real one through the implementation and subsequent tests of a storage and replenishment tank.
Italferr's activities will mainly concern technical support in the sizing and validation of the cryogenic MOST-H2 tank with a capacity of 500g of H2, and the realization of a technical-economic study on the scalability and integrability of this technology in the railway sector.
Italferr will deploy its skills through teamwork involving various company structures, from the Innovation sector which carries out management, coordination and interface activities with the international consortium, to Safety, Risk & Data Analysis and Strategies and Sustainability, but the research and experimentation nature of the project could give rise to needs that will require the involvement of other structures.
The project involves 16 partners - including companies, universities and excellent research centers - from Greece, France, Germany, Spain, Austria and Morocco who will work together for 4 years to achieve the ambitious objectives of MOST-H2: our Company represents the only Italian company and the only player in the railway sector.