Development, implementation and constant strengthening of the system of internal checks and risk management together with compliance and anti-corruption programmes.

Italferr S.p.A. guarantees business conduct consistent with the defined strategic objectives and aware of the risks that may affect the achievement of these objectives and the company's reputation. In line with the highest standards and best practices, the company promotes the dissemination of a corporate culture of internal control and risk prevention, encouraging informed decision-making and ensuring the safeguarding of corporate assets, the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes, the reliability of financial information, compliance with laws and the protection of the reputation of the company and of the Group in Italy and abroad.

Integrity and honesty are the fundamental values enshrined in the FS Italiane Group's Code of Ethics that manifests its commitment to acting in full compliance with legality and transparency and to repudiating and discouraging all forms of corruption or abuse practiced at whatever level both in Italy and abroad.

The FS Group Anti-Corruption Policy is a clear and unequivocal expression of the zero tolerance for corruption principle on which the FS Group bases its business in the full awareness that acting with legality and integrity, as well as being a legal obligation and a moral duty, reflects on the achievement of the objectives and the reputation of each single Company and the Group and contributes to create value, also for the benefit of the stakeholders, in its effort to pursue the sustainable success.